Yes, I have finally made a post. I couldn't resist the fly in the window this morning. I needed proof that there really was a fly in my window. I wonder if he's been alive since the summer and living in my apartment? Or perhaps there's another reason he's around so early. In any case he reminds me of warmer, winterless days that I look forward to.
A fly trapped in a window at this time of year!?
Unbelievable, Unheard of, it almost angers me but it doesn't.
Great Post Miss. Adventure
Awww...isn't he cute. Do you think he was harvesting through the winter. What has he been eating/living on? Don't flies only have a few week (if even 1 week)life span?
Who knew there was so much to ponder about a fly?
Did you name him yet? Is he still alive? I hope so!
(this is my first blog ever...how did i do? hehe)
Manda you did great! I don't know how long he's been alive but he is mighty meaty. I know when I worked at the restaurant we had flies all winter, feasting on all the food. Sick I know, they were so huge and would fly soo slow.
Jordation, you can find house flies pretty much everywhere there are humans or animals. Flies love things like garbage, manure and anything else that is left out in a warm environment. House flies don't feed off of human flesh, they get their nutrients from spitting saliva on their food, which liquifies it so they can suck it up with their sponge-like mouths. Amada you were almost bang on with a flys life span, but an adult fly can live up to 15 - 30 days. A female fly can begin laying eggs within 2 days of life and can produce up to 500 eggs in a 3 to 4 day period and they can do this for about a month. Maggots emerge from the eggs within eight to 20 hours of being laid. You been start dusting for maggots.hm hm hm. Well see ya guys
mmmmm.....fruit flies!
Hey Cole!
Congrats on the blog. Say hullo to Lacey and Danielle. Did you guys hear about that magic trick where you stick a fly in the freezer and they sort of just 'freeze' but then when you pull them out, they slowly warm up and are totally ok. It must be the same sort of deal for the window in winter.
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