Ha ha.
Dreaming of... jumping back in bed
This morning as some people have already started their vacation time I can't help but feel a little jealous, I've still got 4 and a half more days of the daily grind. One lucky thing is that the morning and evening commute will surely feel quicker with fewer cars on the road. I guess that would be me looking on the bright side.
So with that, this morning, I am dreaming of jumping back into bed.
So with that, this morning, I am dreaming of jumping back into bed.
This is not my bed, but rather Emma Cassi's, as featured on design sponge.
It is a fantastic looking bed though.
One Line Journal - Family & Friends
There's nothing like spending time with friends and visiting with family. This weekend is proof that laughing with the ones you love is the best feeling ever.
Great cards from Will Vincent can be found here.
Two of my fav's
I love Woody Allen, even if he's sort of strange. Plus Scarlett Johansson. I want to be on that beach.
Photos via the neo-traditionalist via Touch Puppet
Year of the Flood
Tonight I finished The Year of the Flood the, sort of, follow up to Oryx and Crake from Margaret Atwood. It's a fantastically creative and brilliant post apocalyptic read. She created a crazy world in the future that somewhat resembles a scary version of what we've got.
There's even merch! Secret Burgers, sounds a little familiar.
There's even merch! Secret Burgers, sounds a little familiar.
Winter Boots, check
Remember a while back when I started to think about keeping my feet-sies warm. Well I've gone and done it. Wednesday night I picked out a pair of Sorels, the classic winter boot, to help me enjoy my winter walking just a little bit more. At first I was trying to find something a little more, lets be honest, fashionable but then I decided to forget fashion for function.
These are the exact pair I bought. I figure if I'm going to live through 4 months (usually more) of winter, I better be prepared.
These are the exact pair I bought. I figure if I'm going to live through 4 months (usually more) of winter, I better be prepared.
Practicing gratitude
I find it rather tempting to complain and be a mope when the days get short and wintery. And when I can't seem to wear enough layers of clothing to keep out the cold, it's known, that I might get a little crabby. However this is the new me, or at least an attempt to focus my energy on the things I'm very grateful for.
Today I am grateful for little white lights.
I know it might not seem like much but there's something so beautiful and cozy in a way that makes me appreciate the winter darkness.
Today I am grateful for little white lights.
I know it might not seem like much but there's something so beautiful and cozy in a way that makes me appreciate the winter darkness.
photo via internet
Remembrance Day
Today as Canadians, we reflect and remember the sacrifice soldiers have made for freedom.
My grandfather fought in the Second World War and was part of the Liberation of the Netherlands. My uncle actually has my grandfathers old war journal, it's very emotional to read through it. My grandfather carefully noted each location and how long he stayed with little ticks. He passed away when I was a little girl. I wish I could remember him.
My grandfather fought in the Second World War and was part of the Liberation of the Netherlands. My uncle actually has my grandfathers old war journal, it's very emotional to read through it. My grandfather carefully noted each location and how long he stayed with little ticks. He passed away when I was a little girl. I wish I could remember him.
WWI archive photo via the internet
WWI photo via here
WWII photo via here. Netherlands
Photo via here.
Garance Doré - My Hero
If you haven't already read her various posts on how she has become the recognized success that she is, you should. It's a sweet little story filled with highs and lows but best of all it all works out with Garance coming out on top and living her dream. She's my hero because she's proof that if you stick to it, and don't let things get you down, things will work out for the best. Yah for dreams coming true.
Illustration via Garance Doré
Wizard of Oz
Last night J and I watched The Wizard of Oz, he had never seen it before. Gasp, I know. So we hunkered down for some good old 1939 Technicolor fun. We had a good laugh when my favourite scene started. The munchkins with the big lollipop, so awesome!
Impossible smoshible
Photo via mrYen's shop
One Line Journal - Being Creative Everyday
Dear self – sometimes you will become very scared when trying to come up with creative ideas. Try not to worry, you will think of something.
Photo via the internet.
Photo via the internet.
Dining in Edmonton: Urban Diner
Though I'm also a very lucky gal because J is a fantastic cook so my own house is pretty much the best place to be on a Sunday morning.
Photo via Urban Diner website.
Dining in Edmonton: mrkt
I thought it could be fun to compile a list of great places to dine in this city I call home (there are tons). But for now I will name one that J and I recently visited for lunch. It's called mrkt and it's a sort of cafeteria style meets fine dining. It's located on Jasper Ave (10542 Jasper to be exact). Right above Red Star for those who know the city by it's landmarks (which I do).
It was the perfect, quick & fresh kind of lunch that you just got to love. The seating situation is about 5 long tables with 6-10 chairs so you have the opportunity to sit next to stranger, the way you might in Europe, which is kind of a new concept in edmonton and turns out it's super cozy.
Another awesome thing about mrkt is that they tweet (mrktcafeteria) their features daily, so every morning I can get excited for the special, which today was 'Chipotle roasted bell pepper cream tossed w/penne, w/pesto and caramelized onions'. Or the daily salad or one of the three soup specials (Veg, Meat or Fish).
Although I've only been once, I plan to return, and hope you will stop in for a visit if you haven't already - mrkt is a gem.
It was the perfect, quick & fresh kind of lunch that you just got to love. The seating situation is about 5 long tables with 6-10 chairs so you have the opportunity to sit next to stranger, the way you might in Europe, which is kind of a new concept in edmonton and turns out it's super cozy.
Another awesome thing about mrkt is that they tweet (mrktcafeteria) their features daily, so every morning I can get excited for the special, which today was 'Chipotle roasted bell pepper cream tossed w/penne, w/pesto and caramelized onions'. Or the daily salad or one of the three soup specials (Veg, Meat or Fish).
Although I've only been once, I plan to return, and hope you will stop in for a visit if you haven't already - mrkt is a gem.
Photos via foodosophy
Save the Date
This is the little eco-friendly save the date I designed, no paper involved. Though the actual invite will be paper. Sorry environment.
Picked a Date
J and I finally picked a date and have reserved the venue. It's happening, it's really happening. We're going with Fort Edmonton park, which is basically this little mini village that the city owns. It is such a fun place, no cars allowed, horse drawn carriages, trolleys, actors in the period. It's going to be fun.
We're getting married at the little church and then Egge's barn, which is just a small jaunt away, is where the dinner and party will commence.
Now we need to find someone to bring the food and we're very excited for this part. Maybe something fun? Like BBQ burgers? With slaw? We will have to see what we can find.
We're getting married at the little church and then Egge's barn, which is just a small jaunt away, is where the dinner and party will commence.
Now we need to find someone to bring the food and we're very excited for this part. Maybe something fun? Like BBQ burgers? With slaw? We will have to see what we can find.
Little church, via the internet
Egge's barn via the internet
Making me very happy
Edmonton Vestiary – yes! Finally someone has started to feature and collect the amazing fashion of this city. For years I thought 'I should do it' but well, never got around to it. I think the idea of approaching complete strangers and asking for their photo sort of intimidated me. But now – Now it exists!
I'm thrilled that someone is out there with a camera sharing with the whole world, and the folks of Edmonton, that Edmonton is a vibrant, beautiful and creative city.
Thank you, Friendly Neighbourhood Style Maven
All photos via Edmonton Vestiary
It's been too long
I know it's been so long since I've last updated this little collection I've got going on. No excuse really – just life. But when I saw this today over at Little Garden, I thought it was was worth sharing.
Going Home, kind of
Some or most have you have probably already seen or heard about this as it's been all over the media. It's the new Arcade Fire online mini site/video called The Wilderness Downtown. If you haven't already checked it out I recommend you do - it will take you home.
I don't want to spoil it so I won't say anymore.
I don't want to spoil it so I won't say anymore.
Fall in the Forest
How was your weekend darlings?
Mine was lovely. Saturday afternoon J, Olive and I headed to Elk Island National Park for a mini hike. It felt so great to get out of the city. Plus the forest is so beautiful now that it's fall and things are starting to change colours.
What was the highlight of your weekend?
Doppelganger of a pal
As you already know I've been riding the bus (yesterday was a bad bus day, I had a mini fit when the people in the door wouldn't move. Firs I politely said 'excuse me' then finally, 'SOMEONE MOVE! please'. They moved.
Anyways, on the bus there's a man who reminds me very much of a pal who's currently living the life UK style in Scotland. This look-a-like fella is not quite as hip as my dear pal but he's got the same essence (at least from a far). It's weird when one person can remind you of someone else you know.
MIss you T.
Anyways, on the bus there's a man who reminds me very much of a pal who's currently living the life UK style in Scotland. This look-a-like fella is not quite as hip as my dear pal but he's got the same essence (at least from a far). It's weird when one person can remind you of someone else you know.
MIss you T.
Butter chicken dreams
Today for dinner I made J and I some butter chicken (translation: organic chicken with a store bought jar of sauce) with Naan (translation: store bought packaged version) and basmati rice. Oh it had so much promise. Unfortunately after all our mouth watering excitement it turned out to be a major dud. Nothing like the yummy indian food pictured. I hate when that happens.
Happy Friday!
Phew, it may have been a short week but I always find I do the same amount of work as I would if it were a regular 5 day work week. I think that just proves that I should take a long weekend every weekend and still be super productive.
And now, we dance!
Social Experiments
The new thing I have been experimenting with is... public transportation!
This is something very foreign to me but I must say, aside from the 'bad bus days' as I call them, the bus has been working out pretty well. But don't tell J. He will smile inside to know I've admitted that 'yes' the bus is sometimes convenient.
Bad bus day: when the big guy won't move over so you move to the open seat and then the crazy lady who is chewing the air sits behind you and smells just awful. Then the bus seems to never be moving, just slamming on the brakes or hammering the gas. It's a weak-stomached-girl's worst nightmare.
Good bus day: closing my tired eyes and listening to a newly refreshed ipod. A little Coffee Break French podcast, then some History of Rome podcast and finally some tunes. Then the final payoff is arriving at work without the overwhelming stress of driving and searching and paying way too much for parking.
What are your thoughts on the bus? Love it or hate it?
This is something very foreign to me but I must say, aside from the 'bad bus days' as I call them, the bus has been working out pretty well. But don't tell J. He will smile inside to know I've admitted that 'yes' the bus is sometimes convenient.
Bad bus day: when the big guy won't move over so you move to the open seat and then the crazy lady who is chewing the air sits behind you and smells just awful. Then the bus seems to never be moving, just slamming on the brakes or hammering the gas. It's a weak-stomached-girl's worst nightmare.
Good bus day: closing my tired eyes and listening to a newly refreshed ipod. A little Coffee Break French podcast, then some History of Rome podcast and finally some tunes. Then the final payoff is arriving at work without the overwhelming stress of driving and searching and paying way too much for parking.
What are your thoughts on the bus? Love it or hate it?
Photo credit: jasonhill
Thinking about the wedding
I had no idea how many decisions we would have to make for the upcoming (not sure when, decision still to be made) wedding. Where, when, who, clothes, food, venue, rain, cake, wine, photos, music, phew.
I look at these beautiful photos of a 'Sweet Mountaintop Wedding' and I'm thinking, 'yes please', I'll take that. Shouldn't it be that easy?!
We are thinking for sure we would like to be outside or at least have access to the outdoors but is that super risky in Alberta?
All caught up...
... on my rest and feeling a lot better. Also I was able to catch up on True Blood season 3. Oh man, very bloody. I forgot how addicting HBO can be.
Under the weather
Ladies and gentlemen I have recently come down with a nasty cold and have taken to tea and rest. I will return in a few days when I'm feeling more like myself.
On Being Alone
When I saw this video around a month ago I knew it was share-worthy but then I kept on surfing (the web that is) and forgot about it until now.
Such a great summary / guide on spending time with yourself.
- I love to dine alone at lunch.
- I've been meaning to go to a movie alone for years (I find it hard to do).
- Ohh a forrest alone, might be a little scary (especially if you were in the mountains).
- The gym alone is a favourite of mine.
- Shopping is best when I'm alone. I make good decisions with no one around.
Showering the Bride
This weekend was pretty great. J and I ventured to Red Deer & area (where we both grew up) to toast two of our dear friends who are very soon going to be tying the knot. He attended a bachelor/stag and us ladies gathered for a bridal/stagette party.
The bridal/stagette party was very well done (everything was in the style of the 1950's) complete with cigarettes (of the candy variety), glass bottled coca-cola, music from the era, pearl earrings and vintage dresses. Ah, but wait... no 50's party would be complete without our kitchen appropriate womanly aprons!
Everyone looked really fantastic. Unfortunately I was not in the mood for taking photos and opted to enjoy the evening sans photo-snapping. So... no proof.

The bridal/stagette party was very well done (everything was in the style of the 1950's) complete with cigarettes (of the candy variety), glass bottled coca-cola, music from the era, pearl earrings and vintage dresses. Ah, but wait... no 50's party would be complete without our kitchen appropriate womanly aprons!
Everyone looked really fantastic. Unfortunately I was not in the mood for taking photos and opted to enjoy the evening sans photo-snapping. So... no proof.

Great Etsy Shop
Sometimes Etsy can be a little overwhelming and not all shops are created equal. However the Allen Company Inc shop is definitely a gem that must be shared and celebrated. It's a vintage shop with clothing, shoes and accessories and I think it's updated pretty regularly (which is another key feature of a great Etsy shop).
If I was going to make a little purchase right this moment, it would be:
If I was going to make a little purchase right this moment, it would be:
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