
Social Experiments

The new thing I have been experimenting with is... public transportation!

This is something very foreign to me but I must say, aside from the 'bad bus days' as I call them, the bus has been working out pretty well. But don't tell J. He will smile inside to know I've admitted that 'yes' the bus is sometimes convenient.

Bad bus day: when the big guy won't move over so you move to the open seat and then the crazy lady who is chewing the air sits behind you and smells just awful. Then the bus seems to never be moving, just slamming on the brakes or hammering the gas. It's a weak-stomached-girl's worst nightmare.

Good bus day: closing my tired eyes and listening to a newly refreshed ipod. A little Coffee Break French podcast, then some History of Rome podcast and finally some tunes. Then the final payoff is arriving at work without the overwhelming stress of driving and searching and paying way too much for parking.

What are your thoughts on the bus? Love it or hate it?

Photo credit:  jasonhill 

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