I would love to spend an afternoon at that table.
Dreaming of...

... the Secret Garden. I absolutely loved that movie as a child. I thought it was so great that the children kept secrets, disobeyed and were so independent. There I was, asking permission to play in our fenced, gated, safely locked back yard. Also, I couldn't tell a lie.
Favourite (most re-inacted) scene: The scene when they are chanting and running around the fire in a circle making magic.
Also, I thought Colin was a hunk. With his little bird and talking to the animals. Ha!
Another Great Way to Eat Eggs!
I think I've found another egg-tastic way to eat eggs... in a Savoury Skillet as found on The Dog's Breakfast! Yum and look at those bubbly hot tomatoes. Message to J, we should make this.

Dreaming of...
a day in Paris!
I would start the morning with a café au lait (coffee with milk) at an outdoor cafe.

Then stroll along the river seine stopping whenever I want to people watch.
I think I would definitely like to visit a museum on my day in Paris. Maybe Musée d'Orsay
The I'd probably want a snack, so I'd stop at one of the many Monoprix's in Paris (basically a grocery store but also has other things, clothes, cosmetics, liquor etc.). I'd get a yogurt and a banana, my 'while in paris' snack of choice.
Then I'd catch a flick because there are many movie theatres and I wouldn't be able to resist.
Ah, to spend a day in Paris!
Carrots like candy
These carrots look so tasty that I just had to share the foodie love.
More beautiful, mouth watering photos and recipe here at Sprouted Kitchen.

I've been waiting for illustrator/typographer of Daily Drop Cap, Jessica Hische to post an N. Daily Drop Cap is an ongoing project of daily hand crafted decorative caps for personal enjoyment. I find her hand crafted type so inspirational and would love to give it a try myself. For now I sit back daily and o-ogle over her talents.
a little too much?
For a while I've been regularly sporting what the fashion community calls a top knot which is basically a bun type mess on the top of your head (my sister prefers to call it the drunk librarian – which is pretty hilarious).
However, today my top knot is looking like something out of another era, or at least the made up televised version. Really very funny to compare my hair to Dr.Quinn Medicine Woman or Anne of Green Gables.
What do you think, too much?
However, today my top knot is looking like something out of another era, or at least the made up televised version. Really very funny to compare my hair to Dr.Quinn Medicine Woman or Anne of Green Gables.
What do you think, too much?
Garment 1 – Complete

Now... what to make next?
Winner! New Pornographers, here I come...
I just won free tickets to see The New Pornographers in Edmonton next week. Whoohoo! I never ever win. I got the tickets through CBC Radio 3. All I had to do was email the answer to a question about the relation between Carl Newman and Kathryn Calder. The answer: he's her long lost uncle.
Big JG loves eggs. Seriously he's an egg fanatic. Not to mention specific about the type of eggs. There's an organic free range egg that he discovered at the grocer. It's significantly more expensive but he swears that the taste and quality make it all worth while.
Design Sponge posted a beautifully photographed egg sandwich with recipe and I immediately thought of J as he's always looking for new and exciting ways to eat eggs.
Summer 2010 to do List
For those of you who know me well, know that I'm a list maker. I love lists and they are everywhere in my life. I have three different lists at work, all with mostly the same to do's. At home, there's a constantly evolving grocery list on the counter. I find old lists in my purse and in my car and in books. Everywhere. I'm starting to think that maybe I'm a list addict.
My short term / summer life list looks something like this:
1. Build myself a creative website
2. Spend a weekend hiking a mountain
3. Ride my bike to work at least once a week
4. Make a quilt or duvet cover(might be better for the fall) Great how to here.
5. Take lots of photos
6. Purge some un-used stuff

7. Sew some more garments
8. Blog

9. Go on a weekend bike trip

10. Do more Yoga
11. Save money
What's on your list?
Photos? Click to be redirected to the source.
The Park
Let me introduce, Tightrope Girl. I spotted her one afternoon in the park and secretly watched her practice her moves. She had tied a type of rope between two trees and was ever so carefully balancing herself while walking across it.
Then a few days later I see a girl at the same park in the same patch of grass who I automatically assume is the same girl. But... after careful consideration, and some tattoo investigation I realize that they might just be two different girls! Aha, she's Hoola Hoop Girl.
It turns out this park I frequent is also an outdoor circus training camp. Kidding :)
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