Good thing there's a plan to do just that this weekend in celebration of a dear friends big ol' 25th birthday. I can't wait to see everyone and float along the Pembina river.
I love, love, love this home. It's everything I would love my living / working / playing space to be. Simple yet interesting. White yet colourful colour (I especially love the coral peach colour in the bathroom. I'm going to copy it.) Also I should note how beautiful the little touches of nature are. I've been slowly collecting little trinkets of the earth on our various travels. One day I hope to have a home filled with lovely earthy memories.
Yes on Mondays I need coffee and usually lots of it. This Monday especially. I would gladly take it any of the above ways. We had a crazy busy weekend complete with driving, folk music, dancing, meeting Dan Mangan (photo proof coming soon), strolling, dining, visiting and all in totally wonderful sunny weather. I love summer.
down the road and on the right hand side.
there's a place i sometimes like to dine.
coffee refills 'far as i can see.
i'll be waking, are you watching me?
are you watching, are you?
or just waiting to see.
that your days are numbered, 'cause my days are numbered too.
are we cool now? are we cool?
bus down to the local record store.
buy something to make you like me more.
indie queens and tatty'd east side punks.
they are listening, and always waiting, and are you watching, are you?
are we cool now? are we cool?
i'm sorry that i brought it up.
it's not nice to piss you off.
and i know, i know, i know.
but i was poking and sort of prodding, and kinda hoping, and always watching, for a reaction.
a reaction.
a reaction.
a reaction - are you watching, watching are you watching?
or just waiting to see.
– Dan Mangan
I'm excited, we're going to check this chap out at Calgary Folk fest this weekend.
I have the most exciting news.
This past weekend I thought I was going for a regular Banff getaway... but it turned into the most wonderfully perfect weekend a gal could ask for. I feel so grateful to have such a handsomely clever and loving husband to be.
Thank you J for our wonderful life changing weekend.
Here's a photo of the pretty little ring I received. It's a 1930s European Cut Diamond. (1930s! I want to find out who else has worn this ring)
I love french onion soup on almost any day, but especially when it's been raining non stop and I'm cold and everything is wet and it's summer so it should be sunny and hot. Augh. I need to get some french onion soup.
I feel foolish
I wanna drink too much
You look Polish
Got a wicked sense of humor
I feel dizzy, and I want your touch
Let's get tipsy, and start a rumor.
I've watched you now a full half-hour;
Self-poised upon that yellow flower
And, little Butterfly! Indeed
I know not if you sleep or feed.
Now motionless! and then
What joy awaits you, when the breeze
Hath found you out among the trees,
And calls you forth again!
Canada! Yes, as to be expected, today I'm reflecting on this lovely country I live in. I feel so lucky to have been born here.
Top 10 reasons I love Canada (in no particular order):
1. Great outdoors complete with wildlife. It's amazing to me that I can drive three hours from a city and feel so humbled by nature and all her little creatures (bears scare me).
2. Winter – with lots of snow. Perfect for tobogganing, skating, skiing, hot chocolate and leaving your groceries in the car while you run other errands.
3. The mix of cultures in Canada and the variety of festivals to celebrate them all. Plus all the fantastic restaurants we have to choose from as a result.
4. Opportunities, there is an amazing variety of jobs in this country. And although women don't have the exact same opportunities as men, I feel that in Canada we're making progress.
5. All of our large Canadian monuments. There are so many, if you don't believe me you can check them out here.
6. CBC!
7. Summer storms – the most fantastic way to end a hot summer day is to watch the sky snap and pop with lightning and thunder.
8. The way Canadians maximize their spring & summer with early flip flops and heated patios when there's still snow on the ground.
9. Canadian geography – the most amazing variety.
10. How fanatical Canadians are for hockey and how amazed you are when you realize not everyone agrees.
I'm a 20 something gal who lives in Alberta, Canada. I love being creative and appreciate spontaneity. I try to remember to 'Act the way I want to feel'.